Saturday, July 23, 2005

week one

spent week one away from being a stay at homer in the grand city of Detroit. What a dump. Smells bad and did I mention a dump. I guess thats why I am getting paid to go there. I was gone all week and I really missed my two guys. The older one got 9 stitches on Sunday before I left, so I was feeling bad for leaving when he was on the mend. But I did enjoy a bit of peace and quiet at night. The kids are now a Grammy's so I have the whole house to myself. I came home and had to clean and do laundry,.. back to my old chores. Next week, El Paso and Mexico for the week. Who will go nuts first? My wife working and being home with the kids by herself,,.. or me away from house and family for 2 weeks(after being a homebody for 4 months)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

fat lady tuning up

well it is with mixed emotions that my term as Stay-at-home-dad ends! I have landed a great and challanging job that will double my previous pay after 2 years. WOW. So the guys will go to school or get a nanny. My first day is tomorrow, and I am ready. I am going to really miss my time with the guys. I will be working out of my home office so I will be still reporting about the happens at the home front during the day. From Starbucks to MILTF's i will cover it all. stay tuned.