Wednesday, June 15, 2005

kerry edwards

OK, it is coming up on July and "the johns" lost in November, take your f-ing bumper stickers off. It ain't gonna happen, the Supreme Court won't save you, this just labels you as a loser. Get over yourselves and move on. Go ahead and get your Hilary/Sharpton '08 stickers and cover the old ones up.

While I am on a political rant, how about the release of grades from Yale showing George W. Bush had better grades than Kerry?!?!?! So much for saying Kerry is smarter. Gore was also near retarded in school, so the liberals are actually the dopes out there. WOW ,.. no wonder Kerry refused to release them until after the election.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

It is a rainy Sunday as we get hit with the early fallout from Hurricane Arlene

I think we will venture out today. Target and the grocery are perfect. Perhaps an Adult will speak with me? Paper or plastic? “I am not sure, could you explain the benefits of both? Something in a long drawn out format,… no Cliff Notes needed.” We get rained on, but the boys love the grocery-cart/plastic car. The damn cart makes a racket and is hard to push,.. but they are so cute and get looks and laughs from many.

It is nap time for Sam,.. and hopefully jack soon. I need time to get things rolling around here. When will Lisa be home? When is grammy coming back?

I really could use a little dose of adult interaction

Friday, June 10, 2005

the basics

Hello out there
OK here is the deal. I am a new stay at home dad and have millions of observations, antidotes, stories from the home front. Lets start with the basics
1. Staying at home isn't all it is cracked up to be.
2. It is hard and stressful
3. I would rather have a job,..but would miss the time with my kids

Now,.. Is there anyone out there?I will try to post between diaper changes and walks in the neighborhood.Anything you have to add would be great.