ok,.. back in the saddle.
1. Over the years, my taste in women has definitely changed. As you age i think you become more attracted to women near your own age. For example, I now am posting the top places where the women are.
a. THE CAR POOL LINE. end of story, period. The greatest collection of 30 something MILF in their natural habitat. And I mean that in the most admirable and complimentary way. I get older, but a group of middle aged women in their tennis outfits, just still make the juices flow. However as an outcast(a man in a women's setting), I am pretty much ignored. I have never seen the collection of SUVs and minivans as I do here, not to mention the collection of silicon/saline. WOW.
b. THE GROCERY. The quanity and quality can't touch the carpool line, but domething interesting is happening there. I feel the women are much more engaging to me at the Grocery, to the point were I am feeling like I am getting the once over and being "checked out" I like it. Not sure if it is women being jealous("wow, what a guy, he does the grocery shopping for his family, wow, how dedicated and what a caring person, wish my man would get off his ass,.. now where is the Bisquick). I actually was hit on by the woman in the fish department. As she handed me my salmon, she ask "now,... are you...... married?" as she looked into my eyes. Not sure if it was the kids or the wedding ring that gave it away. My choice is The Fresh Market
c. STARBUCKS. Please, where else would the suburban housewife go right after the CARPOOL drop off? She just has to have her caffeine free, soy mocha, latte and is glad to spend $4.50 on it. And why not hang around in the comfy chairs for a bit, because the cleaning lady is at the house and the lawn guy is in the yard, and I have already made a carry-out order for dinner and I don't want to go to the grocery, because that perverted dude is always there hitting on the fish lady.
d. TARGET. This is basically the upscale grocery, where people actually need to get some good shoping done at a solid price. It is a mix of the grocery and Starbucks.
In order to make it through the day, I need to get each child in a different school, so I have 2 carpool lines. Speaking of which, the little guy gets picked up in 1 hour, so I better get my grocery list together and get out of here. Definitely having fish for dinner again.