hair on my neck was standing up

This is from a Mexican show and the guy in the photo is the camera operator. He goes into a cemetary at night with 3 other camera operators to look into the ghost phenomana and this this the result. Is it fake or real, I don't really care, but it is freaky. You need to hear the sounds and voices, if you have your computer on mute, it doesn't have the effect. Here is the translation-
We are here, in this Graveyard, What is that thing (whisper from friend) Its the ______. There is something over there. Were gonna go take a look. (They move closer) Were closer now. (someone screams, camera loses focus). Dude(or man/friend). What is your name(zooms in, noise is made) Who are you? What is(cut-off by the glowing eyes, AHHH. Oh my god, God have mercy(something like that. Go! Run. *Heavy breathing* Carlos!( i think), WAIT!! Colentes(guys name) Gregwar!! Hey guys wait, hey guys wait. (High pitch scream in backround) Please!!- video ends.