Wednesday, September 28, 2005

In fact, the cognitive dissonance of Queers for Palestine -- marching in support of those who would kill you if they were given the opportunity -- only serves to illuminate the cognitive dissonance of the entire "anti-war movement." Because the goal of the "War on Terror" is to protect the liberal, free, egalitarian democratic society that we all cherish from the forces of oppression, totalitarianism and religious fundamentalism. Yet the anti-war crowd strives to compel the very soldiers who are defending them to lay down their arms, as if the battle would suddenly cease if one army were to stop fighting. So the anti-war crowd must ignore the evidence that one side is fighting to impose the harshest form of religious conservatism not just on their own countries but on the entire world given half a chance, whereas the other side (our side) is fighting to preserve a progressive civilization. That's right, folks -- this war's for you.
Special thanks to ZOMBIE  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 25, 2005

can I change my mind

I have been back to work for two months. The job is good, the pay is good and I work from home. But I really am just unmotivated. I have a feeling that this may not be the best long term solution for me. I was already to do something fun with my time, get a job I enjoy and screw the great paycheck,..... well we see who won out. Right now I have the "Sunday Blues". Monday is just to close and I am already procrastinating. This job thing sucks,.... needs to be a better way. It also rained all day and my lawn will be over my knees before I cut it. On a good note, I saw Wedding Crashers over the weekend,... classic. Laughed my ass off,.. even the wife was laughing the whole time. She even thought it would be a great idea to buy it when it comes out on DVD. Hey,.. one more way to waste time during the day

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Way to go Mayor Ray. All those buses you needed,.. you let them get flooded, then you tried to blame everyone else. Why didn't you supply the Superdome with food and water as the city plan called for?

Friday, September 02, 2005

thinking like a liberal

Since the libs always want to place blame first, and it is usually misguided, here I go in my liberal style blame game. CINDY SHEEHAN is responsible, if she wouldn't have demanded all this press coverage, then the people of New Orleans would have been more aware of the situation and had an orderly, early evacuation. So we should also blame Natalee Holloway. Wow that is easy. But I guess that is what being a liberal is all about, making stupid theories and making yourself feel better by buying into said stupid theory.